Machine vision AR and VR

Real-time image & video analysis, using Artificial Intelligence & Computer Vision-based applications on Cloud.

Using image & video analytics, we can uncover relevant insights by accurately identifying objects in images & videos.

Replace your complex, manual analytics processes with automated, and robust solutions.

We assist organizations in refining their data pipelines with our powerful, state-of-the-art computer vision architectures.

Reach > Responsiveness > Agility

Innovation powered by design thinking.

Right from data collection, computer vision applications pose enormous challenges for any business.

To meet the constraints of diverse industries, our team has designed custom computer vision apps with advanced components such as object classification, feature recognition, object detection, and so on.

Sparkle your digital presence with AI models and state-of-the-art AR visuals.

Our advanced machine vision consulting services fosters the enterprises to discover rich insights and drive profitable actions.

Real-time condition monitoring using Computer Vision

Computer Vision reduces human intervention during condition monitoring of machines on shop floors. By using the capabilities of real-time object detection algorithms, tasks like inspection, tracking, defect detection in product assembly can be performed. Ability to train vision models on the fly to overcome production delays. Best in class accuracy for detection models with over 94% mAP.

Artificial Intelligence

We assist you in transforming your business into a Cognitive Enterprise by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence. Implement a data-first strategy, leverage your real-time information, and integrate advanced technologies, such as IoT and cognitive automation.


Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are two nascent technology fields whose full potential has not yet been realized. Although AR/VR and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are separate fields, companies that combine AR/VR with AI will generate better, more immersive products. For companies that strive to stay ahead, AI and VR are merging more than conceptually.

AI applications in AR

1. Pose Estimation
2. Image and Scene Labelling
3. Object Detection

AI applications in VR

1. Virtual embodied interactions
2. Dynamic Customer Experiences paired with Virtual Assistants

Oculus apps

Whether it's gaming time, workout sessions, or attending virtual events, oculus has something for everyone. Make your everyday activities fun & lively oculus solutions.

Realware apps

Empower your workers by providing them a safety net with Realware technology that offers innovative solutions for their everyday challenging and risky tasks.


Give your game the nourishment it deserves with one of the most popular real-time development platforms. With its ecosystem of tools and solutions, Unity provides your game the perfect blend of support and the creative freedom it needs.


Leverage AR & VR technologies to deliver better, immersive 7 futuristic products.

Transform your business processes by integrating groundbreaking solutions.

Case Studies


  • Absence of object detection Computer Vision model that identifies attributes such as Damage, Orientation, Fumigation logo, barcode detection and scanning.
  • Lack of an automated system that captures images as soon as a pallet is placed on the shop floor and performs analysis and alerts.
  • Integration with an MES system to store previously inspected pallets and their respective data.


A custom object detection model is implemented to inspect required attributes. This product is deployed using Azure Cloud Services. Azure Custom Vision with custom script integration helps achieve an average mAP of 95% for all detection tasks. Flask (Backend) and Angular (Frontend) are used to deploy the product from client-side servers.


A leading supplier of technology and services in the areas of Mobility Solutions, Industrial Technology approached us to implement Quality inspection at their warehouses which is currently being done manually for every pallet. On average, the pallet inspection process took 22 minutes per pallet.
The client sought to automate the process, but faced several challenges including the following:

  • Requirement for a sophisticated Object Detection Computer Vision Model that can identify attributes such as Damage, Orientation, Fumigation Logo, Bar code detection and scanning.
  • An automated system that captures that captures images as soon as a pallet is placed on the shop floor that not only performs analysis but also intimate the respective team on defects in boxes.
  • Integration with an MES system to store to store previously inspected pallets and their respective data.


The Carbynetech team assessed the use case and developed a Custom Object Detection model to inspect the required attributes. Azure Cloud Services was utilized to deploy the solution. A custom script for the business requirement integrated with Azure Custom Vision has been successfully implemented.

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